Details and photos of our new build passive houses, ‘passive house detailed’ extensions, retrofits and barn conversions ….
New build Passive Houses
Most of these have been built to completion, some have been done to ‘lock up’, where we build a completed airtested shell for the owner to complete, and one has been done as a specialist subcontractor to another main contractor.
‘Passive House detailed’ Extensions
Note that the term ‘Passiv Haus principles’ has been banned by the Passiv haus Police because people were starting to use it as a marketing tool like ‘eco-build’, which doesn’t mean anything. We choose to say ‘Passiv Haus detailed’ to describe our work on projects where we are using the same PH building methods but the project is not certifiable to PH or Enerphit (the PH retrofit standard),eg the extensions shown below are built like small passive houses with the same detailing, levels of insulation, triple glazed windows etc, but they would not be certifiable because they are attached to an existing building.
Energy efficient retrofits and renovations to existing properties.